Dance dance dance

Suka film India karena .... (penjelasan ada di plurk) ^ ^

catatan : Rani hanya menyukai film India yang bergenre aksi, petualangan, dan menyentuh kehidupan anak-anak, pendidikan, keluarga serta persahabatan. Kalau yang macamnya cinta gila hingga jadi hamba cinta, hamba wanita or pria, tidak suka. Apalagi yang pake joget-joget ngobral aurat and ujug-ujug ninggalin meja akad karena ada pria/wanita idaman lain. Hii, kelaut aje gih..


Aamir Khan nya keren!! Aamir Khan nya biar udah tua tetep keren!! Lha wong kelahiran tahun 65an. Suka suka suka. Apalagi pas dia main sama anak-anak keliatan banget kalau dia sangat menyayangi anak-anak. N then, di film itu dia jadi pengajar anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus. Telaten banget. Wah wah, udah cakep, keren, kaya, produser film yang bermutu,  sayang sama anak-anak, muslim pula. Wew.. mupppeeeng * gludak.

Soal video klip diatas, yang diucapin si badut aka Aamir Khan kalau ditranslate ke Inggris begini :
Look there, is that a tree?
Or a man covered by a cape?
ls it raining? 
Or has the sky left the taps on by mistake?

The world is what you make of it..'s in the eye of the beholder..
So free your mind.. spread your wings.. let the colours fly..
come on, let's spin new dreams!
Shake it!
Shake a leg!
lt's fun!

Swing-a-long, shake a leg, have lots of fun..
Who says fish don't fly?
Ever thought of it?
Does the sun bathe everyday?
Or does he just wet his hair and pretend to be clean?

These stars are they twinkling?
Or in anger, grumbling at each other?

So free your mind..  spread your wings.. let the colours fly..
Come on, let's spin new dreams!

Why cram until your head is full?
Head is full, head is full!
ln a blink, your mind goes blank!
Mind goes blank, mind goes blank!

Go ahead, unlock the doors..
Unlock the doors, unlock the doors!
And fearlessly, take wing!
Take wing, take wing!

l'm with you.. - l'm with you!
You're with me.. - You're with me!
You and me, let's all together..

..shake a leg..
..let's have lots of fun!

Why is the world so colourful?
Ever wondered?

choosing these colours so lovingly.. 
someone has decorated this world with them.

So beautiful is our universe..
l suspect its creator
is surely an artist.
So free your mind.. spread your wings.. let the colours fly!

Come on, come on !!
Let's spin new dreams!


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